Member Industries

Currently, the 5 funding members of the AIAS R,D&E Strategy are Dairy Australia, Australia Pork LTD, Australian Eggs LTD, Meat & Livestock Australia and Agrifutures Australia (Chicken Meat Program).  Click on the member industries to learn more about their antimicrobial stewardship efforts.

Each funding member contributes to the Secretariat and meets regularly to discuss collaborative opportunities. The AIAS steering committee consists of 2 representatives from each member industry (in most cases a representative from the Research and Development organisation, and a representative from the industries’ peak body). In addition, the steering committee has observers who have been invited to provide guidance and input. These observers represent State and Federal Government (animal and human health), the Australian Veterinary Association, Animal Medicines Australia, Food Safety Australia and New Zealand and non-member animal industry representatives such as aquaculture and wool producers. 




Represented on AIAS by

Dairy Australia
Stephanie Bullen
Lead – Animal Health and Fertility
0417 123 387

Australian Dairy Farmers
Justin Toohey
Advisor – Animal Health and Welfare
0409 447 972

Key AMS message/ information

Antimicrobials are a critically important tool for dairy farmers to ensure the health and welfare of the animals on their farm. Overall, the Australian dairy industry has a very low use of antibiotics compared to other countries. However, overuse and incorrect use can lead to the development of antibiotic resistance. The Australian dairy industry’s commitment to improving antibiotic stewardship are outlined in the Australian Dairy Sustainability Framework. The dairy industry commits to using antibiotics responsibly, ‘as little as possible, as much as necessary’, to protect the health and welfare of our animals. Our specific targets include:

  • All dairy farmers access antibiotics from a registered veterinarian.
  •  All dairy farmers use antibiotic responsibly under veterinary direction.
  • Antibiotics of high importance to human Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Australia are only used to treat dairy livestock in exceptional circumstances where no other alternative exists.

Link to AMS content

Planned activities

The Australian dairy industry, through its levy funded organisation (Dairy Australia) will:

  • Conduct regular animal health surveys to track dairy farmer attitudes and behaviours around the use of antimicrobial agents to drive awareness, understanding and improvements in usage where necessary
  • Undertake periodic veterinary sales data surveys to track antimicrobial sales to dairy farmers, particularly of the critically important antimicrobial ceftiofur.
  • Support the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) and Animal Medicines Australia to finalise the development of Antimicrobial Prescribing Guidelines for Dairy Cattle;
  • Work with AVA to raise awareness among dairy vets of the importance of appropriate use of ceftiofur and virginiamycin, these being the two critically important antimicrobials registered for use in dairy cattle
  • Advise farmers and advisors on the use of new and emerging mastitis diagnostic technologies to assist in targeting for treatment only those cows likely to respond to treatment
  • Promote the use of ‘selective’ or ‘part-herd’ dry cow therapy to limit the use of prophylactic antibiotic use
  • Maintain a strong network of regional groups for the delivery of training and extension, particularly around biosecurity and improved animal and herd health

Additionally, the Australian dairy industry will remain focused on its commitment to the improvement of antibiotic stewardship as outlined in the Australian Dairy Sustainability Framework.


Australian Pork

Represented on AIAS by

Australian Pork Limited

Raymond Chia –

Ross Cutler –

Key AMS message/ informationKeeping pigs healthy is about more than just using antimicrobials. Producers work closely with their vets to ensure they have good biosecurity, good pig health, good nutrition, good air quality and good hygiene.
Link to AMS content

Planned activitiesRepeat AMR survey; update AMS report; contribute to AVAMS 2021



Represented on AIAS by

Australian Eggs Ltd (

Egg Farmers of Australia (

Key AMS message/ information

The Australian egg industry has an international reputation for the excellent health status of its flocks and quality of its products. Industry veterinarians comply with the AVPA Code of Practice for the use of antibiotics in the Poultry Industry, and the AVA’s Antimicrobial Prescribing Guidelines.

Link to AMS content

Planned activities

Roll out AMS program to the Australian egg industry and introduce verification and self-assessment activities.

Repeat the AMR survey.

Red Meat


Red Meat (beef, lamb, mutton, goat)

Represented on AIAS by

Meat & Livestock Australia (

Australian Lot Feeders Association (

Key AMS message/ information

Animal health and welfare has been a specific industry priority for a long time. The priority extends to disease prevention to lower antimicrobial use, exploration of antimicrobial alternatives, and the responsible use of antimicrobials to ensure animal health is retained and the likelihood of resistance is reduced. We actively publish the results of our research programme.

Link to AMS content

Planned activities

Supporting Australian Veterinary Association production of antibiotic prescribing guidelines for cattle

Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance

Developing better diagnostics for bovine respiratory disease

Pilot trials of antimicrobial usage measurement tools

Chicken Meat


Chicken meat

Represented on AIAS by

Australian Chicken Meat Federation (

AgriFutures Australia – Chicken Meat (

Key AMS message/ information

Farmers and chicken companies are proud of their commitment to preventing diseases in their chickens for over 60 years. The industry has been adhering to AMS principles since their first “Code of Practice for the Use of Antibiotics” was released in 1987, which was well before formal stewardship was encouraged.

Link to AMS content

Chicken Health & Welfare – ACMF

Planned activities

 Repeat AMR survey; repeat AMS programme verification and self-assessment; contribute to AIAS, Repeat Appropriateness of Use survey